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What fun this all is!
Don't forget the Estonians.
Beware of cartoons depicting Muslims. Allah will reign down upon your soul!
I added your site to the sites section on my sidebar and did a post about your website. Just wanted to let you know...
New and Improved Stereotypes is genius.
Hey, this is fuckin hilarious. I'm sure you have better things to do than what i'm about to propose, but i have a really good idea. I'm only in highschool, but it's a good school, good english program, and i was hoping i could write some scripts of shorts/skits off of some of the pictures/captions you made. I have a few animator friends, they could animate it, and who knows, it might become one of those wonderfully annoying internet fads... but anyways, just lemme know.
You are going straight to hell.
When I get there I will be buying you a beer or two. Brilliant.
You, and these cartoons, are a RIOT. They make as much sense as any other stereotype and I am sharing your site with everyone I know. I have added you to our favorites! Keep up the good work.
The unfunny thing about this is that people really HAVE been killed for cartoons deemed offensive to the islamic faith. It's not just a rumor, real people have really died from people killing in the name of islam.
how to get pregnant I was trying to find this. Really refreshing take on the information. Thanks a lot.
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